Special Edition I-2024

Joseph Patrick "JP" Drier IV
This Special Edition of Publius is dedicated to Joseph Patrick “JP” Drier IV. JP was a student in the inaugural cohort of the Smith Scholars Program and graduated from Xavier University with honors in 2022 with a Bachelor of Science in Finance and a minor in Political Economy. Following his graduation from XU, JP was a Financial Advisor at UBS Financial in Charlotte, North Carolina.
JP passed away on July 17th, 2023, at his home in Charlotte due to complications from Type 1 Diabetes. JP had a passion for sports, especially golf, and for all New England teams, particularly the Boston Celtics. He was a fantastic friend who cared deeply about his childhood, high school, and college companions. All who knew JP miss him dearly.
2024 All Articles
Meet The Team
Publius: The Xavier University Smith Scholars’ Magazine
Publius is a periodic magazine produced and edited by Xavier University's Smith Center Research Fellows and Smith Scholars. It examines contemporary issues in politics, economics, finance, and law from both global and domestic perspectives.
Production Editor: John Fritz
Development Editor: Jason Huffman
Faculty Advisor and Executive Editor: Stafford Johnson, PhD
Smith Fellow Writers and Contributors: Mallory Bowling, Emily Branca, Madison Clore, Abbie Edwards, John Fritz, Andy Hamer, Patrick Hemmig, Jason Huffman, Declan LeWarn, Jack Micucci, Lucius Overby, Luke Uhlman, Kennedy Weigel, Seth Workman
Other Contributors: Stafford Johnson, PhD, Steve Frankel, PhD, Timothy Quinn, PhD, Rabbi Haim Rechnitzer
Production and Web Development Editors: John Fritz and Juan David Patino